The International Aquatic Plant Layout Contest 2007

Some of the most amazing layout for aquariums can be found here, and I really love the design of most them. The pics are from Adana-USA website, and if you like the design here, do check out their website.

This design scores highly with me because of its simpility - a tree, 'a river' and plants on both banks.

This tank looks like a waterfall flowing in the middle of a tropical rainforest. Awesooommee.

Mount Fiji anyone? A large 'voclano' and nothing else creates a huge free swimming area.

I hate to say it, but I am a sucker for designs with 'river' in between. :P

I can't help but to be awed by the sight of Mountains. Note to self: I want mountains, plants, waterfall and rivers in my tank. Of course, I want lots of fishy too.

Does the place resembles a tree branch in the water? This design is the winner of the competition, but personally I don't really dig it. Maybe the tree branches look like spider legs...

For some reasons, the sight of the branch and plants seems very visually pleasing. Must the background resembling clouds and the white sand.

This design is very creative and interesting - note the number of 'logs' sticking out of the plants area. It seems to suggest plenty of caves and full of hidden surprises. Love it.

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