Fish Category

Welcome to the Aquarium Lore Blog!

If you are new visitor, I want you to know that you are a valued visitor to my site, and you are welcomed to include your comments, rate my blog, review it, submit your fish photo, etc. Please bookmark this site or add it to your RSS feed if you like it.

If you are frequent visitor, I want you to know that you are a treasured visitor, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for checking back often and support my passion by reading my blog.

Below are all the articles on fish that are available in this blog at this moment, sorted alphabetically. This blog is fairly new, being launched in mid-Mar 2006 only, and therefore there are not many articles yet. I will be adding new a fish datasheet weekly. So check back often! If you are seeking information on a specific fish that I have not added to this blog, I welcome your suggestions. Please email me.

Above all, I hope you enjoy the articles - each articles is slowly created, and includes a datasheet, habitat/care, diet information, disease information, variants of the fish, and a photo gallery.


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